Dftpd Installation Notes
Click here for Dftpd upgrade instructions.
Run -> setup-Dftpd_<version>.exe
Proceed through the installation wizard.
NOTE: Starting with Dftpd version 1.0.5_beta the
installation wizard will automatically upgrade previous
installations. All the server configuration settings and
user information will be preserved. Only the documentation,
help files, and binaries (executables/libraries) will be
overwritten (see Dftpd file changes
for a list of files/directories that are replaced).
Extract Dftpd_<version>.tar.gz
Run -> gunzip Dftpd_<version>.tar.gz
This will unzip the .gz file (result is Dftpd_<version>.tar)
Run -> tar -xf Dftpd_<version>.tar
This will extract the contents of the .tar file to the current
directory (result is the "dftpd" directory tree).
Run -> mv dftpd /dftpd (or wherever you want to put it)
If you want to use a directory other than "/dftpd" you must
update the "rootpath" entry in the dftpd.conf file along with
the dftpd-start and dftpd-stop scripts (see
Changing the Dftpd rootpath/homedir).
Security Note
Dftpd does not have to run as root. It is recommended that you run
Dftpd as a non-root user. For example, to run Dftpd as the user
"dftpd" use the following commands (NOTE: the user dftpd must
already exist):
[May require root access]
Run -> chown -R dftpd:dftpd /dftpd
This will change the owner and group of the /dftpd directory, and
everything in it, to "dftpd".
[As the dftpd user]
Run -> /dftpd/bin/dftpd-start
This will run Dftpd as the "dftpd" user.
Post install
Once the server is installed and started, login using login/password
= dftpd/dftpd. This account is restricted to only allow logins from
the address (localhost) --do not connect using the external
IP of the machine. Using this account you can then add other users
with the following command:
> SITE ADDUSER <username> <password> <IP#1 - 5>
Example: SITE ADDUSER bender abc123 192.168.*
To make this user a siteop add the "1" flag using the following command:
> SITE CHANGE <username> flags +1
Example: SITE CHANGE bender flags +1
Once you've created another siteop you should delete the "dftpd" account
for security reasons. Delete the dftpd user with the following command:
To make the root directory writable to all users run "SITE CHMOD 777 /"
using a siteop account (with flag 1).
If you are using the standard FTP client console application "ftp",
you may need to add the keyword "quot" before the SITE commands.
Ex. > quot SITE ADDUSER bender abc123 192.168.*
Changing the Dftpd rootpath/homedir
To move the Dftpd directory a few changes need to be made. In the
"dftpd.conf" file in the <Dftpd root>/etc directory the entry for
"rootpath" must be changed to the new full path of the Dftpd root
directory. If using a "default_homedir" that is not contained in
"rootpath", the path for "default_homedir" must also be changed -- if
the "default_homedir" begins with "./" it is relative to "rootpath". In
the "passwd" file, also in the Dftpd etc directory, the "HomeDir" entries
for the users may need to be updated. Any "HomeDir" entries that begin
with "./" are taken relative to "rootpath". Otherwise, the user's
"HomeDir" is treated as an absolute path.
If you only want to change the home directory for the site, just update
the "default_homedir" entry in the "dftpd.conf" file (to change the
default home directory to use for new users). Then change the "HomeDir"
field for whichever users you want to change the home directory for.
UNIX specific:
On UNIX systems the "dftpd-start" and "dftpd-stop" scripts, located
in the Dftpd bin directory, also need to be modified whenever the
root directory of the server is changed. In these files, the line
that changes directory, "cd <Dftpd root>/bin", needs to be reset to
the new absolute path of the Dftpd bin directory.
NOTE: The CWD of the server must always be the <Dftpd root>/bin
If you have difficulties starting the server check the program log file
(default is dftpd.log) located in the /ftp-data/logs
directory. Some likely errors are that the server was unable to listen
on the specified port (default is port 21), the server could not locate
the dftpd.conf file, or the rootpath is not properly set. For login
errors check the access log file (default is (ddmmyyyy)_access.log file).
Another way to help diagnose errors is to run the server in debug mode by
starting it with the "-d" option (Ex. dftpd -d). This will run the server
as a console application and display everything that is happening on the
screen. When starting Dftpd in debug mode (with "-d"), make sure it is
not also running as a service --so the listening port will be available.
DftpdI Installation Notes (Dftpd Interface)
Pre install
To use DftpdI JRE 1.4.0 or higher must be installed. The Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) is available for the Windows, Linux, and Solaris
platforms. The JRE can be downloaded from
(or directly
http://java.sun.com/j2se/downloads.html). To start DftpdI,
using the icon on the start menu (or run_dftpdi.bat) in Windows or
"dftpdi" on UNIX systems, the "java" command must be in your path.
In Windows, installing the JRE should automatically add "java" to your
path. On UNIX systems you must manually add the java "bin" directory
to your path (Ex. /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_02/bin). If "java" is not in your
path, DftpdI can still be started directly by switching into the dftpdi
directory and running "/usr/java/j2re1.4.1_02/bin/java dftpdi".
Similarly in Windows DftpdI can be started by switching into the dftpdi
directory and running
""C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_02\bin\java" dftpdi".
Run -> setup-Dftpd_<version>.exe
DftpdI is installed through the Dftpd installation wizard. The
wizard will create an icon to start DftpdI in the Dftpd group in
the start menu.
Extract DftpdI_.zip
This will create a directory called ./dftpdi. This directory
is typically placed in the dftpd directory tree
(Ex. C:\Dftpd\dftpdi). DftpdI can be started by running
"run_dftpdi.bat" --normally there will be an icon in the
start menu when the installer is used.
Extract Dftpd_<version>.tar.gz
After extracting Dftpd, as described above, there will be a
sub-directory called "dftpdi" (Ex. /dftpd/dftpdi).
Extract DftpdI_.zip
(Use the same procedure described above for Dftpd)
This will create a directory called ./dftpdi. This directory
is typically placed in the dftpd directory tree
(Ex. /Dftpd/dftpdi).
Post install
By default DftpdI will already have a server entry pointing to the
localhost ( using login/pass dftpd/dftpd. Once the server
is started, DftpdI should be used to perform the operations described
in the Dftpd "Post install" section above.